"Who are you? Are you famous? Important?"
- Finger Eleven, "Famous"
I saw another B-lister walking the streets of Hollywood Boulevard the other night. As I was crossing the intersection at Hollywood and Highland, I glanced at the portly man with spiky hair walking toward me. His name is Tyler Labine, otherwise known as "Sock," otherwise known as the pudgy, bearded man from that funny show about the devil. He's the co-star of Reaper and I had to look him up on IMDB to even see what his name on the TV show is. I've seen it only a few times, but he's got a memorable look about him.

Certainly no Zach Braff, but at least he's been on television.
On a side note, I also saw Jesus that night. Seriously. Tall guy, heavy beard, straggly hair, burlap sack for a robe. Penchant for getting pictures taken with drunk girls. Had to be Jesus...
Be Back Soon,
Shaky Jake
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